A collection of CODE and Ministry of Education English language learner (ELL) school board projects to support system, school and STEP implementaion and knowledge mobilization.
The purpose of this project and webpage is to gather existing resources created as CODE or MOE projects in order to share experience and knowledge of ESL/ELD leads with new ERGO members and ESL/ELD teachers new to the role. It is an effort to curate, capture and sustain knowledge mobilization and ESL/ELD teacher networks across school boards in Ontario.
School boards are invited to share resources that support any of the topics listed below.
Our goal is to organize these resources strategically so they are available on this webpage or on the member's side of the ERGO website. This will be a bank of experiences to build capacity for the ESL/ELD Policy between boards of all sizes.
Each ERGO member is invited please fill in one survey per project. Thank you for sharing your school board's learning, resource or collaborative work. Please submit all responses by April 9, 2020.
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*Based on the book: https://utorontopress.com/ca/linguistically-appropriate-practice-3
*Link to Roma Chumak-Horbatsch website: https://www.ryerson.ca/mylanguage/about/
Translated Safety Placards - HWDSB
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