ORNG is a standing committee of the ESL/ELD Resource Group of Ontario. ORNG Members are board designated educators that specialize in receiving and providing initial assessments to newcomer students and/or English language learners (ELLs) in Ontario schools.
ORNG members lead, implement and support policy and programs for the initial assessment and reception of newcomer students. We collaborate and share best practices for supporting ELLs, newcomer students, and their families as they enter Ontario's school system.
Following the Ministry of Education's policy for ESL and ELD programs and services, newcomer students must complete initial literacy and numeracy assessments before starting school. Ontario school boards offer a variety of reception and assessment procedures.
Large school boards offer central welcome centres where registration and initial math and language assessments are completed before newcomer students start at their local school. Other school boards have itinerant teachers that visit each school to assist with registration of newcomers and initial assessments. Some school boards only assess secondary students while others assess students across both elementary and secondary panels. These decisions are based on the enrollment and size of the school board.
Jennifer Freudenthal
Toronto DSB
Colleen Elep
Peel DSB