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Recommended Resources 

What are resources could use in the classroom to support language and learning focussed on student identity and the Ontario curriculum?

What are some teacher resources Ontario educators could read to learn more about supporting multilingual learners in Ontario schools?




Professional Learning Opportunities

...as recommended by ERGO members for ESL/ELD teachers and school board leads.







The Council of Ontario Directors of Education, a Professional Association,
represents all Chief Executive Officers of the seventy-two District School Boards in Ontario.  It is the common public voice of Senior School District Administrators working with Government and various Associations.






Collaboration and Curation of 10 Years of CODE/MOE  ELL Projects

School boards across Ontario have been working to build capacity in support of multilingual students for over 10 years.  School boards are invited to share the resources, research, or learning materials used as part of the work of the CODE ELL Projects to continue to build connections and build capacity among educators across the province.




Teacher Union Resources


Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation


Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association


Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens



Settlement And Community Resources


www.settlement.org - Information for newcomers to Ontario, Canada.  Includes translated information and videos. 


People For Educaton - Translated Tip Sheets for newcomer parents about the Ontario education system.


New Youth -  An online community for immigrant and refugee youth all over Ontario.


Caring For Kids New To Canada - A guide for health professionals working with immigrant and refugee children and youth


If You Want Your Child To Succeed - Hold On To Your Home Language -  Translated Brochure for Parents from Ryerson University


Canada's Food Guide - Translated Food Guide Snapshot


Translated Newcomer Parent Resources - CMAS - Supporting the Settlement of Young Immigrant and Refugee Children




Research and University Conections




Ontario educators supporting English language learners (ELLs) teach Ontario curriculum while supporting the English language development of all students, including Canadian-born and newcomer ELLs.  Wherever possible, educators provide students in K-12 opportunities for literacy development in English and their home language. 


Ontario educators will adapt curriculum programming according to an ELL's current STEP OLB or OLLB level.  Some of the following online platforms and resources may offer tools to scaffold curriculum learning while ELLs continue to develop social and academic language proficiency. 


The following websites may not be endorsed by all Ontario school boards (for various legal, privacy, and IT reasons).  This list of tools may offer educators tools to engage all students in a space to develop oral, writing or reading skills in English or their home language. 




Khan Academy




Suggestions for here?

Teacher Learning Opportunities






ERGO Subject Associations


OTF - Ontario Teacher's Federation


ETFO - Elementary Teacher's Federation


OSSTF  - Ontario Secondary School Teacher's Federation


OECTA  - Ontario English Catholic Teacher's Association

CASLT - Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers

TESOL Canada - Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

OJEN - Ontario Justice Education Network
ELAN - English Language Arts Network